Team 7


Exposome, epi/genetics of cardiac development and bioinformatics





Team members

Congenital heart disease is the most common human congenital pathology, occurring in ∼9 per 1000 live births. Although some minor anomalies have no functional impact at birth, they are the cause of adult cardiovascular pathologies. The most severe malformations require surgical intervention, with functional sequelae in young adults. Around 20% of congenital heart disease cases result from known genetic causes or teratogens. By contrast, little is known about other environmental causes (exposome) in the remaining 80% of cases.

The team's work focuses on a better understanding of embryonic heart formation and the impact of parental nutritional factors on fetal heart development. It is also seeking innovative approaches to cardiac regeneration for young congenital patients. She uses mouse models and cardiac organoids generated from pluripotent stem cells, including those derived from patients. Her research also draws on multi-omics and bioinformatics approaches.

Our current projects:
    Sonia Stefanovic Group
  • Impact of pre-gestational diabetes on heart formation
  • Metabolic signals involved in heart rhythm development
    Michel Pucéat Group
  • Role of embryonic cellular senescence on embryonic ventricle formation
  • Developmental origin of myocardial and valvular malformations and impact of the exposome (parental nutrition) on congenital and adult pathologies
  • Preclinical approach to cardiac regeneration through modulation of myocyte reprogramming
    Christophe Béroud Group
  • Bioinfomatics of rare diseases
  • Genetic analysis and evaluation of copies of mutation variants
  • Multi-omics analysis
Previous publications